#ReecPlayBook – 8 & Under Undefeated Atlanta Vikings Visit Reec @ Hot107.9!

This Week in REEC’s Community Play Book the undefeated, #1 team in the state of Georgia, 8 and Under Atlanta Vikings came by the studio to kick it with Reec or #ReecPlayBook
Words From Head Coach Hilton:
Champions, leaders and undefeated is what you think of when you hear Atlanta Vikings 8U. This team has won many championships and bowl titles under the outstanding leadership and miraculous supervision of Head Coach Hilton Alexander and his team. The Atlanta Vikings 8U team consist of a group of talented individuals no one player is better than the other. To be us you have to beat us. “We Breed Horses” Were # 1 in the state we are always the talk of other teams conversation when it comes down to our boys they work hard everyday that’s why ” We Them Boys”
Thank you @Sweetz_2fly for your commitment!